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 Anime Discussion: The VOID . . .

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Anime Discussion: The VOID . . .  Empty
PostSubject: Anime Discussion: The VOID . . .    Anime Discussion: The VOID . . .  EmptyApril 27th 2014, 5:31 am

Anime Discussion: The VOID . . .  1000x1000

Today, I wanted to talk about something known as none other than . . .
the VOID. The 'void' is a feeling that can be described as the emptiness that you feel after watching a certain anime or reading a certain manga, or even any show or book. I've recently had that void with a little anime called Clannad. It's beautiful and I couldn't get enough of it, so when I finished it about yesterday I was left not knowing what to do with my life. Literally (and by the way, I recommend that anime 100%).

The reason I wanted to talk about this 'void' is because after watching tons of anime reviewers speak about it, I just felt compelled to share the topic with everyone on this forum - because I know you've felt the void. If you're on these forums, it's very, very likely that you've experienced this. That feeling of pure emptiness you feel after watching an amazing anime. I'm planning on watching an anime called Steins;Gate and I think I'm a little more prepared for that feeling this time because it's bound to happen, seeing how many good ratings it got. There can be small voids and there can be massive ones. For example, a reviewer on YouTube had said that the anime Spice & Wolf had him feel a small little empty hole after watching it, but I assume he got over it pretty quickly. For something like SnK/AoT, I'm almost definite that many people have had it when they finished it. Or maybe not, since I heard it ends on somewhat of a cliffhanger. . .

So, how do you feel about the void and have you experienced it ever? If so, with what anime and why? Let me know!
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